dcfl is a parallelized constraint solving library for Haskell.


dcfl uses the Communication Free Learning algorithm presented by KR Duffy, et al. in Decentralized Constraint Satisfaction. The primary benefit of the algorithm over previous approaches is its distributed nature, making it a prime candidate for parallelization.

Using dcfl: Router Example

KR Duffy, et al. provide a simple example problem of constraint satisfaction which we can solve with dcfl. Suppose we have five routers within an area and each of them has to be on a different channel within a spectrum and we assume that we have been given five different channels. This is essentially a graph coloring problem on a complete graph. To solve it using dcfl, we can use the following code:

import Data.DCFL
import Data.List

colorVariables n = 
        map (\x -> Variable [0..n-1] 0 $ initDistribution n) [0..n-1]

colorConstraint:: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool
colorConstraint n1 n2 vars = (vars !! n1) /= (vars !! n2)

colorConstraints n = 
  [ConstraintEl [a, b] $ colorConstraint a b | 
    a <- [0..n-1], b <- [0..n-1], a /= b]

main = do
  rsolved <- solveParallel (colorVariables 5) (colorConstraints 5)
  putStrLn $ show $ getValues $ variables rsolved

Although the Hackage documentation describes the types this example uses, it is worthwhile to look into portions of this code. To describe the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), we have a set of variables and a set of constraints on the variables. Each variable can take on a list of values and each one holds a certain value at a given time. The value the variable holds is described as the index in the list of values it can possibly taken on. A variable also has an associated distribution, which is used internally by the algorithm to solve the CSP. So, when we declare a variable, we can do it as:

Variable listOfValues currentValueIndex distribution

We define colorVariables as a function which lets us create a set of variables which can each take on values between \(0\) and \(n-1\) for a given parameter \(n\). The only other concept from dcfl used in the definition is initDistribution, which initializes a flat distribution over \(n\) values.

We also define colorConstraint, which takes indices of two variables and a list of variables and makes sure that they aren't the same value. We then make a list of these constraints for every pair of variables we are considering and call the list colorConstraints. In the context of the problem we are considering, the constraints make sure that no two nodes in our complete graph have the same color, i.e. no two routers are on the same channel.

Finally, we pass on this information to solveParallel to solve the constraint satisfaction problem. Note that in order for the parallelization to occur, we have to the use the -threaded option when using GHC.

Important Considerations

Why don't we write one very complicated constraint that makes sure all of the variables have different values?

Having decoupled constraints generally (i.e. to a certain extent) helps the efficiency of Communication Free Learning since it can alter the values of some sets of variables independently of others.

What happens if the constraint set does not have a solution?

Due to the nature of the algorithm, this means that the solveParallel will continue forever. It is possible to hook into solveParallel in order to count the number of iterations passed before "giving up."